Friday, September 2, 2011

ESB and a Better Bottle!

So, I was driving back from the Bull City today and my car just would not exit off on 40, it kept a straight path towards Carrboro. I took the opportunity to grab a quick cup of coffee at Open Eye Cafe (does anyone in that place ACTUALLY work on the computer or just look up at every single person who comes in between their bouts of facebook???). I whipped out my computer to shoot off a few emails (truly), and, after finishing, dropped the dirty mug in the bin and walked out. I suddenly found myself in Fifth Season with a 6 gallon unported Better Bottle in my hands.

I figured, "well, what the hell! I guess I'll just have to buy this." AND, I guess I'll just HAVE to brew that Chocolate Milk Stout awaiting patiently in my beer closet since my other primary seems to have been occupied after a herd of caribou slobbered in my glass carboy only to leave a deliciously smelling fermenting beer behind. Don't worry, pictures are soon to come.

What does this all mean? Saturday=Stout brew day. Hellabeats doing some other nonsense that provides no concrete deliverable that compares with 5 gallons of brew.

I haven't forgotten that I put ESB in the title. After walking out of Fifth Season, I just so happened to swing by Carrboro Bevereage company, and at the bottom of the coolers at the back of the store sat a 6 pack of Fuller's ESB with my name written on it. This is my first time experiencing this world class ale, and OH how I feel like he and I have already missed out on so many years of good times. This is an absolutely incredible beer. Cheers to a good day...


  1. Can't wait to hear how the stout goes today!

  2. The best beer in the world in my opinion. This is the whole reason I have set out on the quest to modify water.

  3. Love ESBs...can't wait to see how the water modification turns out.
